
I've had this book on my reading list for a little while now and I got through it in a single sitting yesterday so I thought I'd chuck up a quick review for it.

The Grumpy Programmer (actual name Chris Hartjes) amusingly blogs and tweets all things PHP and particularly PHPUnit. When I saw he was publishing this book, I was curious to see how his strident style would stand up to the longer form. Pleasantly, it turns out.

Chris maintains his gruff voice while whirling through the ins and outs of using PHPUnit. I've been using PHPUnit for a long time now and I find that when I am really familiar with a tool, I tend to re/(over)use patterns that have served me well in the past. So while I found I was familiar with much of the material in the book, there are more than a few tidbits here that I picked up. I feel even the most grizzled PHPUnit veteran's testing regime will benefit from a read through.

The book seems aimed at the less experienced which I did find a little surprising given the title. When I think cookbook I tend to think of the weighty O'Reilly tomes. This book though is more like a lengthy tutorial than a cookbook in the O'Reilly style. As a tutorial goes though it excels. It is detailed without being turgid and covers all the major aspects of using PHPUnit that I would expect it to and then some. I found the chapter on Test Doubles (that is mocks, stubs and fakes) to be particularly excellent. The vocabulary surrounding these terms tends to get mixed up and consequently programmers often treat them as the same thing. That leads in my experience, at best, to confusion. And at worst, to poor tests that are difficult to maintain.

As a quick aside, the book is published by LeanPub, who ensure authors receive 90% of the proceeds from their work. I think this is a wonderful initiative. Writing, especially for a programmer is tremendously hard and I like the idea of those that attempt it, and do a good job, get appropriately rewarded for doing so.

So, back to the book. You find peppered throughout the introduction to PHPUnit subtle wisdoms that are hard to argue with. A simple and you would think obvious example, is that of always providing the final argument to assert statements with a description message. This message is displayed when the test fails, helping you quickly identify where the problem lies. Another: writing strictly encapsulated code that eschews static methods and class variables, is (well unsurprisingly) easier to test that code that is constantly mutating global state.

The book is quite short, coming in (at least in my pdf version) at 85 pages. I feel like there is sufficient scope for more content here. Especially for a 'cookbook'. I would have loved to have seen more on using Data Builders for example. The chapter on data providers is great, but I find you often need more fine grained control over your fixtures. Factories and data builders are a couple concepts that once learned, significantly reduce the friction of TDD.

I perhaps would also liked to have seen more in introduction to TDD itself, motivations for it, and perhaps a brief comparison between the two principle TDD xUnit styles. Specifically the Statist TDD and Mockist/London School TDD styles. The former being a test style mainly interested in setting up some state, running a behaviour and checking the end state matches what you expected. The Mockist approach is less interested in observing State and instead is more interested in the messages passed between objects (method calls between collaborators).

Overall I enjoyed the book, and it fills a much needed role in guiding budding PHP TDD practitioners in the use of the most mature tool we have available in PHP. I picked up a few neat new tricks and I suspect many PHP programmers will do the same.

You can buy it now at grumpy-phpunit.com


The best way to predict the future is to invent it. -- Alan Kay

Recently I have written a little bit about Smalltalk, and in my enthusiasm I got hold of a book called Dealers of Lightning by Michael Hiltzik. It covers the rise and fall of Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), the research center from which Smalltalk emerged.

I initially read it to learn more about the context in which Alan Kay imagined Smalltalk and to find out who was the Executive-X he mentioned in The Early History of Smalltalk (it was Jerry Elkind). However I ended up coming away with a lot more. In particular, a new appreciation for a number of scientists I previously knew very little about. Scientists that are almost single handedly responsible for the shape of modern computing.

I grew up in the 80s so I have no real personal appreciation for computing as it was before say, 1984. I had an IBM clone (an Amstrad) and a VIC20. At school we have Commodore 64s/128s to play with. So for me, a computer has always been something that sits on your desk, you turn it on and you type away and stuff pops up on the screen. But right up until the late 70s this paradigm was considered absurd. Wasteful even. It took the vision of Alan Kay and the technical genius of Chuck Thacker and Butler Lampson along with the almost unlimited cash of Xerox to realise.

The book opens up by transporting the reader back in time to the late 60s and lays out the genesis of PARC. It then proceeds in roughly chronological order with each chapter focusing on one of the scientists and/or their inventions. The book closes by looking at some of the reasons why Xerox couldn't transform its research into viable products. Nominally the story is about what Xerox PARC did, however Hiltzik couches everything in terms of the scientists and it is his ability to bring these characters to life that makes the book so riveting to read.

One of the most striking individuals of the story is the Impressario Robert Taylor, a man who as much as anything can be considered the grandfather of the Internet (nee ARPANET). The Kays, Thackers and Lampsons of the story are the geniuses but genius needs direction and at times support. This is the role Bob Taylor played. The story of PARC for better and worse revolves around him and his relationship with the researchers that shared his vision of interactive computing and those whether in his or the other labs, or in management, that well didn't.

The Computer Science Lab (CSL) was a collection of engineers who weighed everything pitilessly against the question: How will this get us closer to our goal? They had commited themselves to developing Xerox's Office of the Future and anything that diverted their attention or served an alternative goal had to be discarded or obliterated.

It is Taylor's utterly single minded vision of interactive computing that drives much of the success and much of the drama of PARC. Taylor was in continual combat with the other labs for resources and funding and inevitably with his managers George Pake, Jerry Elkind and eventually Bill Spencer. But that was outside his lab. In it, he was the oil that kept the cogs turning and among his staff he was considered a unique and brilliant manager of researchers. It is on this skeleton of contradiction and conflict that the guts of the story of PARC hangs.

The book contains a number of particularly powerful scenes. Two particularly stuck out for me. The first is Alan Kay, his vision for a Personal Computer brusquely put down by CSL Manager Jerry Elkind, falling into a depression. Alan Kay is well known for his brilliance and verbal flourish but Hiltzik does well to also bring home his vulnerability in a way a modern reader would not expect. Kay would ultimately realise his vision of a Personal Computer - with the help of Taylor's CSL - while Elkind was seconded away from PARC on a Xerox taskforce. We tend to recall Kay's assertive (and largely proven) views on Computing. It is unexpected and moving then, particularly with the benefit of hindsight, to see him doubt himself and his ideas before they were fully realised.

The other scene involves Adele Goldberg, co-developer of Smalltalk, and her reactions to Apple's infamous raid on PARC. If you've ever seen The Pirates of Silicon Valley you might have a feel for how this all went down. But Hiltzik's account of it conveys such a sense of dread and hopeless frustration that the movie never came close to recreating.

By the end of the book Taylor's time at PARC draws to a close and with his departure so too does the most storied era of PARC. Scarcely six months after Taylor's forced resignation, the majority of his lab also resign and either follow him to Digital Equipment Corporation (creators of the famous PDP series of minicomputers), or join one of the many startups blooming in Silicon Valley following the success of IBM and Apple's Personal Computer products.

Dealers is fundamentally a story about people that just happen to be in technology - rather than a book about technology itself. It is a human story. It is about what happens when you take the cream of a generation's scientific talent put them in one place and throw lots of money at them. It is about what happens when you combine a visionary maverick with the proneness to credentialism by academically minded administrators. It is about what happens when you have corporate management that want to embrace change but either do not understand it, or worse, fear it.

It is the book's focus on the people of Xerox and PARC particularly, their feelings, motivations and backgrounds that brings this extraordinary tale of modern computing's birth to life.


The big idea is messaging. Kay98. It's a quote cited early on in Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests (GOOS), a book that looks at Test Driven Development (TDD) using Mock Objects. This idea of messaging being central to Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), drives much of what is presented throughout the book.

I think as OOAD has matured over the past decade, the mode of thinking of classes as hierarchical constructs has lost favour. Increasingly OOAD is about managing the collaboration of a large number of small, independent, objects. In such designs the solution to the problem is achieved by the way the developer defines the software's object graph – i.e. its composition. In a design that is focussed on getting the composition of objects just so, communication between them is the important thing, much more so than classification.

In GOOS, TDD is presented as an exercise to first understand and then improve messaging protocols between objects. GOOS demonstrates that Mock Objects are an ideal tool to help discover these protocols . This is unusual, even in 2012, for a lot of developers. Typically I've always used Mock Objects as a Test Stub or Double. A placeholder object to induce some specific behaviour I want to test, or to isolate the unit of code I'm testing. GOOS sees Mocks a different way, as a means of representing roles within a system. The authors say a Mock Object is not a Stub, but instead an interface to some behaviour or role. Mock Roles not Objects, a paper written by Freeman, Pryce, et al. way back in 2004, explains this concept and sets out much of groundwork for GOOS.

GOOS itself is structured into five sections. The first couple of sections (very) briefly introduce the reader to TDD, the basic tenets of Agile development (very heavily influenced by Extreme Programming, XP), testing tools (JUnit, JMock, Hamcrest, Windowlicker) and the authors' OOAD philosophy.

The overwhelming impression I get from Freeman and Pryce's introduction to TDD and OOAD is that they see writing tests as less an exercise in producing a regression catching suite, and more as a design exercise. By writing a failing test up front, you have an immediate, testable, statement of intent as to what the software will do, and just as importantly, what it wont do. Focussing on just a narrow slice of behaviour, as represented by a single test, helps narrow the scope of what needs to be done. The act of satisfying the test, making it pass, focuses the developer's mind on the domain of the problem and forces both the developer and the customer to think of what from the environment impacts the test. Flushing out dependencies, object peers and services early on is a good thing.

Too often in Big Design up Front approaches, you write a ton of code according to a pre-determined (but unchecked) idea of the environment. When you go to hook everything up at the end you can find that, to the horror of your project sponsor (and spouse who wont see you for at least the next week), that, actually nothing hooks up. Or worse, you have misinterpreted what the Sponsor wanted. In a Test Driven Design, if elements of the system are incompatible, you're alerted to it early. If you have gotten the requirements completely wrong the customer can see it straight away. TDD takes 'Fail Fast' to its logical extreme.

The meat of the book is a worked example. The authors describe a fictional auction sniper system that connects to an auction, makes bids on items and either wins or loses. It's a simple example, but complicated enough to run into common issues developers face when developing OO software. Certainly there is little trouble filling out 150 pages as the authors work from an abstract set of stories to concrete code. What is good about their example is the way you see the code transforming in stages as extra features are added. The writers are careful to explain the motivations for the transformations they make and they tie it back to the TDD and OOAD principles they introduce in the first two sections.

Having worked through the Auction Sniper application using Java, JUnit, JMock, Hamcrest and Windowlicker there's a brief recap and the book moves swiftly onto it's fourth and fifth sections.

The fourth section covers 'sustainable TDD', an important and increasingly relevant topic for many developers. The burden of maintaining poorly designed test suites is a drag on developer productivity. Rather than liberating developers to improve the structure of their code, bloated indecipherable test suites become a handbrake. GOOS goes through techniques to keep test suites effective, flexible and importantly - expressive. The concept, that software is about communication, is emphasised across the book. Tests are no different. Tests should express the developers intent and function as the rough and ready documentation of a unit of code. I found the advice around constructing data builders - techniques for creating test data for use in your test cases - particularly valuable.

The final section tackles the really hard stuff, dealing with persistence (and by extension any sort of frameworky data service), asynchrony and lastly concurrency.

I found GOOS easy to read and its chapters are of a length that can be easily read on the train/bus or in short bursts. Physically, the paper is of high quality and the typesetting clear, and easy to read. I really like the images and diagrams which are simple, authentic and aid what is being discussed. I felt like the introductory sections to TDD and particularly the author's OO philosophies were fairly succinct, perhaps too succinct. But as they state from the outset, this is not a book on TDD. And anyway, Meszaros07 should be enough TDD for any human being.

GOOS comes with a particularly outstanding bibliography. Freeman and Pryce's academic backgrounds and broad reading are on display with the depth and quality of their references. As a starting point GOOS, while being a pretty domain specific (Mock Object) text, serves as a wonderful launching pad to further OOAD and TDD reading.

I like that the authors are people who practice what they preach. GOOS is a book for people who write real code in the real world. Sadly there seems too many authors, 'consultants' and coaches these days that talk a lot about programming and programming techniques yet seldom practice it in the wild. GOOS reads like a book borne out of brutal trench warfare with Objects. It is refreshing to read a book detailing a principled design philosophy and practice that has been tested in the dirty unwashed world of Enterprise

I've slowly been pruning back my physical book collection and trying to maintain a library of what I would consider 'classics'. The GOF book, Fowler's Refactoring and PoAEE Books, Beck's XP White Book, the Prag Prog Book, Kernighan and Richie's C Book, SICP and Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming series (and if I can ever get it, Mike Abrash's Black Book). I think, for me, this book fits into that category. It represents a decade of work and thinking, neatly explained by two highly skilled and above all practical developers who were at the heart of it all.

I highly recommend this book to anyone actively practising TDD and also generally to anyone with an interest in Object Oriented Software Design and Practice. While GOOS is a 'Java book' and day to day I program in PHP, the principles, practices and overarching philosophy easily translate.

Follow Steve Freeman @sf105 on Twitter, and read his blog http://www.higherorderlogic.com/. Nat Pryce is @natpryce and blogs at http://www.natpryce.com/.

Also be sure to check out the excellent mailing list http://groups.google.com/group/growing-object-oriented-software.